For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.
St John's Church began its life the same year Medicine Hat was founded - 1883. We have been worshipping on the same spot in downtown Medicine Hat ever since.
Over the years, the face of the congregation has changed, just like the face of our church building. What has not changed is our collective desire to share God's love with those who share this lovely city with us.
St John's is an active partner in Project Connect - an annual, one day enterprise that brings together a multitude of community services under one roof. We support the Medicine Hat College Ecumenical Chaplaincy, and provide Christmas hampers for the students. St. John's has many active members on the group which sponsored a Syrian family (who arrived in 2016). This group continue to work to help integrate new-comer families into the community.
Our worship services are tradition and vital to our well-being. We would be happy to tell you what it means to be "Presbyterians who follow Jesus".
There's always something going on here at St. John's- a project to join in or an event to enjoy.